
Cohort 29 Graduates from High Jump

This year 160 eighth graders in Cohort 29 graduated from the High Jump program at the annual Moving Up Ceremony! It’s always a proud moment for the High Jump family to see students celebrate their accomplishments with their family and friends. These students have given it their all these past two years and we’re excited to see them reap the benefits of their hard work.

This year’s alumni speaker was Carlos Lopez Martinez (Cohort 25), who will be graduating from Francis W. Parker School and will attend Kenyon College in the fall, and the keynote speaker was Cohort 4 alumna Dr. Audrey Tanksley.

Dr. Tanksley, who is now Medical Director at the Heartland Alliance, shared some great advice for the students as they move on to the next chapter of their lives and left them with this encouraging message:

“Eagles are some true come-back kids, and we as High Jump graduates share the same spirit. We do not allow the struggles of life to stop us, because we know that it doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, so we get prepared. We mount our wings like eagles and SOAR. We SOAR above hardship, we SOAR above poverty, we SOAR above social injustice, we SOAR above doubt and we SUCCEED! You are prepared, you have the right people alongside you, the opportunities are abundant and you can overcome any challenge that comes your way…and so, in conclusion, I say to you, go get your wings!”

Watch Audrey’s entire speech here.

Congratulations Cohort 29!

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